[Enable6g] Informacion Deliverables Subcontractors

Martín Robles mrobles at bluspecs.com
Wed Mar 22 14:13:08 CET 2023

Dear Nicolas, if you are referring to the Sharepoint folder I believe @Javier
Hervas Alonso <franciscojavier.hervas at imdea.org> should have access to it
as the repository was created by IMDEA.
Best regards!

On Wed, 22 Mar 2023 at 14:00, NICOLAS KOURTELLIS <
nicolas.kourtellis at telefonica.com> wrote:

> Hi Martin,
> Can you please confirm what kind of sharing privileges were assigned to
> this folder?
> I am trying to access it but I don’t seem to be able to.
> Thanks,
> Nicolas
> *From: *Enable6g <enable6g-bounces at imdea.org> on behalf of Francisco
> Javier Hervas <franciscojavier.hervas at imdea.org>
> *Date: *Wednesday, 22 March 2023 at 13:41
> *To: *Enable6g at imdea.org <Enable6g at imdea.org>
> *Subject: *Re: [Enable6g] Informacion Deliverables Subcontractors
> Hi all,
> Today I met Martín Robles (BlueSpecs) to solve some questions about the
> project plan (deliverables and milestones) so that they can prepare the
> communication and exploitation activities in line with those deadlines.
> I’ve uploaded a file with that information in the shared folder.
> https://fundacionimdea.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7BE4A9AFD3-52E8-4791-97CF-740C1B6AA442%7D&file=Project%20Plan%20-%20Deliverables%20and%20Milestones.xlsx&action=default&mobileredirect=true
> Regards.
> *From:* Enable6g [mailto:enable6g-bounces at imdea.org] *On Behalf Of *Francisco
> Javier Hervas
> *Sent:* martes, 14 de marzo de 2023 15:31
> *To:* Enable6g at imdea.org
> *Subject:* [Enable6g] Informacion Deliverables Subcontractors
> Hi all,
> I’m sending a new email with all the information. Attached you can find 3
> excel files with all the deliverables each subcontractor has to send. As
> Domenico said, the deadline of the tables was our deadline to submit the
> IMDEA deliverables, but we need you to send your contribution before. *For
> this first deliverable* we need your contributions by 31-March, but if
> some of you cannot meet the deadline, please let us know and we will agree
> a new deadline, but *not later than 14 April*.
> Besides, I have enclosed the template you must use for the deliverable.
> For this initial deliverable the technical contribution expected from you
> is 1 page-length.
> Summary: these are the initial deliverables you must send by March (Month
> 15):
>    - Telefónica: Initial specification of RIS-aware network control plane
>       (RISC-6G)
>       - NEC: Initial specification of optimization algorithms for RIS
>       control and network operation and RIS O-RAN extensions (RISC-6G)
> Please, write down the rest in your calendar.
> Should you have any questions, please let me know.
> Kind regards.
> *Francisco Javier Hervás Alonso*
> *Project Administrator*
> Fundación IMDEA Networks
> Av. Mar Meditarráneo, 22
> 28918 Leganés
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> --
> Enable6g mailing list
> Enable6g at imdea.org
> https://listas.imdea.org/mailman/listinfo/enable6g

Martín Robles
Senior Consultant - Tech, Policy and Skills



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