[Enable6g] Informacion Deliverables Subcontractors
nicolas.kourtellis at telefonica.com
Wed Mar 22 13:59:31 CET 2023
Hi Martin,
Can you please confirm what kind of sharing privileges were assigned to this folder?
I am trying to access it but I don’t seem to be able to.
From: Enable6g <enable6g-bounces at imdea.org> on behalf of Francisco Javier Hervas <franciscojavier.hervas at imdea.org>
Date: Wednesday, 22 March 2023 at 13:41
To: Enable6g at imdea.org <Enable6g at imdea.org>
Subject: Re: [Enable6g] Informacion Deliverables Subcontractors
Hi all,
Today I met Martín Robles (BlueSpecs) to solve some questions about the project plan (deliverables and milestones) so that they can prepare the communication and exploitation activities in line with those deadlines.
I’ve uploaded a file with that information in the shared folder. https://fundacionimdea.sharepoint.com/:x:/r/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7BE4A9AFD3-52E8-4791-97CF-740C1B6AA442%7D&file=Project%20Plan%20-%20Deliverables%20and%20Milestones.xlsx&action=default&mobileredirect=true
From: Enable6g [mailto:enable6g-bounces at imdea.org] On Behalf Of Francisco Javier Hervas
Sent: martes, 14 de marzo de 2023 15:31
To: Enable6g at imdea.org
Subject: [Enable6g] Informacion Deliverables Subcontractors
Hi all,
I’m sending a new email with all the information. Attached you can find 3 excel files with all the deliverables each subcontractor has to send. As Domenico said, the deadline of the tables was our deadline to submit the IMDEA deliverables, but we need you to send your contribution before. For this first deliverable we need your contributions by 31-March, but if some of you cannot meet the deadline, please let us know and we will agree a new deadline, but not later than 14 April.
Besides, I have enclosed the template you must use for the deliverable. For this initial deliverable the technical contribution expected from you is 1 page-length.
Summary: these are the initial deliverables you must send by March (Month 15):
* Telefónica: Initial specification of RIS-aware network control plane (RISC-6G)
* NEC: Initial specification of optimization algorithms for RIS control and network operation and RIS O-RAN extensions (RISC-6G)
Please, write down the rest in your calendar.
Should you have any questions, please let me know.
Kind regards.
Francisco Javier Hervás Alonso
Project Administrator
Fundación IMDEA Networks
Av. Mar Meditarráneo, 22
28918 Leganés
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