[Spectroscopy.nanoscience] Sandra Martinez Estevez, January 25th (Thursday) at 12:00.

indranil.bhattacharjee at imdea.org indranil.bhattacharjee at imdea.org
Fri Jan 19 12:49:04 CET 2024

Dear all,

This email is to inform you about the upcoming session of our internal 
seminars (spectroscopy). This time, Sandra Martinez Estevez will deliver 
a talk. The title of the talk is "Electrical characterization of Cu-BHT 
Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and MOF-Graphene heterostructures".

The session will be held in Hinarejos' seminar room on January 25th 
(Thursday) at 12:00 hrs.

I hope to see you all there.

Best regards,


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