[Spectroscopy.nanoscience] Seminar list

sara sara.hernandez at imdea.org
Mon Jul 22 18:53:48 CEST 2024

Hi Atikur,

You are already included in the spectroscopy seminar list. This 
semester´s presentations are over, but I will share next semester´s 
seminar calendar with all of you soon. Also, if you need to send a 
general message at any time, you can use the list to reach all the 
groups of the ultrafast phenomena at the nanoscale program using the 
Spectroscopy.nanoscience at imdea.org email direction.


​Sara H Mejias, PhD
IMDEA Nanociencia
C/Faraday, 9
Madrid (Spain)
Bioengineered nanophotonics group
Telf +34 912998854

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