[Spectroscopy.nanoscience] Maria Recasens, November 30th (Thursday) at 12:00.

claudia.florez at imdea.org claudia.florez at imdea.org
Mon Nov 27 11:42:38 CET 2023

El 2023-11-27 11:38, claudia.florez at imdea.org escribió:
> Dear all,
> This Thursday, November 27th will take place the next seminar by Maria
> Recasens in the Hinarejos room at 12:00.  She will talk about "Optical
> control of superconductors”.
> Hope to see you all there.
> Best regards,
> Claudia

The seminas is this Thursday, November 30th. Sorry you all for the 

Best regards,


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