[Spectroscopy.nanoscience] Date change in the next seminar

sara sara.hernandez at imdea.org
Fri Dec 1 13:51:15 CET 2023

Good afternoom,

Juan Hidalgo's seminar was programmed for December 14th, but that day, 
we have an Early-stage reacher workshop. So, his seminar will move to 
the 21st of December. Please save the date!

Besides, on the 12th of December, we have a guest from Wojciech, Andrea 
Cannizzo, visiting from Berna University in Switzerland. He will give a 
seminar on the 12 of December at 12 pm in Hinarejo's room. His work is 
focused on Studying molecule dynamics combining TAS, FLUPS, and 2D 
spectroscopy. This talk will be really interesting for all of us, so I 
hope to see you there!


​Sara H Mejias, PhD
IMDEA Nanociencia
C/Faraday, 9
Madrid (Spain)
Bioengineered nanophotonics group
Telf +34 912998859

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