[Seminarios.nanociencia] Change in seminar dates

sara sara.hernandez en imdea.org
Lun Oct 24 13:07:05 CEST 2022

Good morning,

As Juan said in the last seminar, we will have the Javi´s thesis 
presentation practive next Thursday. We will have it this Thursday 
(October 27) at 12 am at IMDEA´s main seminar room (in the hall). 
Please, came to the seminar active to give comments and any feedback you 
think will allow Javi to improve his defense performance.

In order to avoid having 3 seminars in a raw, we will have the Victor´s 
seminar Thursday, November 10 at 12 am. We need to cofirm the room for 
this seminar.


​Sara H Mejias
IMDEA Nanociencia
Calle Faraday 9
Ciudad Universitaria de Cantoblanco
Madrid 28049

Más información sobre la lista de distribución seminarios.nanociencia