[Madsecurity] Plazas ayudante doctor Universidad de Zaragoza

Juan Caballero juan.caballero at imdea.org
Wed May 18 20:00:13 CEST 2022

Hi everyone,

There are two positions of "Ayudante Doctor" at Universidad de Zaragoza, 
in the Computer Science School, Languages and Systems (LSI) department. 
They are looking for cybersecurity researchers. Deadline for 
applications is soon (May 23rd)

If you know anyone that may be interested in moving to Zaragoza and may 
satisfy the requirements (e.g., ANECA acreditation) feel free to 


For questions, please contact Ricardo J. Rodríguez (UZ) 
<rjrodriguez at unizar.es>




Juan Caballero
Associate Research Professor
IMDEA Software Institute
Madrid, Spain

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