[Madsecurity] [online talk] Alexandros Kapravelos - "Evasive Threats on the ever-evolving Web"

Srdjan Matic srdjan.matic at imdea.org
Thu Apr 7 14:02:31 CEST 2022

/EVENT/: *Alexandros Kapravelos, "Evasive Threats on the ever-evolving Web"*
/WHEN/: *07/04/2022 at 5 PM* (CEST time)
/ZOOM LINK:/ https://zoom.us/j/95822937119
/INFO:/ https://twitter.com/kapravel/status/1511764326822121478?cxt=HHwWjMC4xajp7vopAAAA

Please notice that this talk is *today*.


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