[Enable6g] Project Meeting - September 2023 - ENABLE-6G

Domenico Giustiniano domenico.giustiniano at imdea.org
Tue Sep 12 09:59:19 CEST 2023

Dear all

Just a small note about the presentations of Telefonica and NEC.

Please present technical updates of all activities you are
involved. We don't have separate slots for MAP and RISC
so that we can save some time for discussion.



On 2023-09-06 15:04, Francisco Javier Hervas wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm writing to provide the agenda of ENABLE project meeting.
> 10:00 Start of meeting
> 10:10-11:45 Technical sessions with presentations from IMDEA,
> Telefonica and NEC (30 minutes each, including questions)
> 11:45-12:00 Coffee break
> 12:00-13:00 Assets identification, led by BlueSpec
> 13:00 End of meeting
> Please, remember that the meeting will be held virtual on Friday 15
> September.
> Topic: ENABLE-6G Project Meeting
> Time: Sep 15, 2023 10:00 AM Madrid
> Join Zoom Meeting
> https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82848682049?pwd=WUoyWXZtRG1McG90MDJ0Nnh5ZGJ6QT09
> Meeting ID: 828 4868 2049
> Passcode: 747934
> Regards.
> From: Francisco Javier Hervas
> [mailto:franciscojavier.hervas at imdea.org]
> Sent: jueves, 20 de julio de 2023 12:10
> To: 'Enable6g at imdea.org' <Enable6g at imdea.org>
> Subject: RE: [Enable6g] Project Meeting - September 2023 - ENABLE-6G
> Hi all,
> After receiving your inputs, we are calling the meeting on Friday 15
> September, from 10:00 to 13:00.
> Please, find here the zoom details to join:
> Zoom IMDEA Networks is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
> Topic: ENABLE-6G Project Meeting
> Time: Sep 15, 2023 10:00 AM Madrid
> Join Zoom Meeting
> https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82848682049?pwd=WUoyWXZtRG1McG90MDJ0Nnh5ZGJ6QT09
> Meeting ID: 828 4868 2049
> Passcode: 747934
> I will send you a reminder some days before the meeting.
> Regards.
> From: Enable6g [mailto:enable6g-bounces at imdea.org] On Behalf Of
> Francisco Javier Hervas
> Sent: martes, 18 de julio de 2023 12:11
> To: Enable6g at imdea.org
> Subject: [Enable6g] Project Meeting - September 2023 - ENABLE-6G
> Hi all,
> I am writing you because we want to call a Project Meeting in
> September. I've prepared this form you must fill to help us to select
> a convenient date for all. Please, fill it by this Friday 21 July.
> Link to the form: https://forms.gle/CPSJPhmoyig5DCjz7
> Regards.
> Francisco Javier Hervás Alonso
> Project Administrator
> Fundación IMDEA Networks
> Av. Mar Meditarráneo, 22
> 28918 Leganés
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> [2] https://networks.imdea.org/es/aviso-legal-correo-electronico/

Dr. Domenico Giustiniano
Research Associate Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain
https://domenico.networks.imdea.org/; https://persys.networks.imdea.org

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