[Enable6g] Inputs for deliverable E2 - MAP-6G / RISC-6G

otim timothy timothy.otim at imdea.org
Tue Mar 14 14:07:46 CET 2023

 Hi Nicolas,

Well, there is a miscommunication with the timelines shared earlier as I
shared internal deadlines for us to submit to the ministry. The correct
deadline  for the initial reports from our partners is M15 , which
corresponds to the end of March.

Javier is preparing a summary of the timelines agreed in the tender.


*Dr. Timothy Otim*

*Postdoc Researcher at IMDEA Networks Institute*
IMDEA Networks | Avda. del Mar Mediterraneo, 22 28918  | Leganes (Madrid)|

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On Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 1:51 PM NICOLAS KOURTELLIS <
nicolas.kourtellis at telefonica.com> wrote:

> Thank you Timothy!
> Just to be sure, can you please clarify which calendar month is M17 below?
> Thanks!
> Nicolas
> ---
> Nicolas Kourtellis, Ph.D.
> Principal Research Scientist,
> Telefonica R&D, Barcelona, Spain
> https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Q5oWwiQAAAAJ&hl
> On Mar 14, 2023, at 11:56 AM, otim timothy <timothy.otim at imdea.org> wrote:
> Hi Nicolas,
> Thanks for the email.
> True, both inputs are required for RISC and MAP 6G projects.
> Below is a table for the timelines for deliverables (reports) we are
> expecting from MAP-6G partners as communicated during the kickoff meeting.
> I hope this is clarified and sorry that this was not clear.
> *Activity *
> *Initial *
> *Intermediate*
> *Final*
> A7 ML-based analytics for network control
> M17
> M27
> M33
> A9 Scalable & distributed privacy-preserving methods
> M17
> M27
> M33
> A10 Proof of concept
> M26
> M35
> A11 Communication  (BlueSpecs)
> M18
> M35
> A.12 Exploitation
> M20
> M35
> Regards,
> *Dr. Timothy Otim*
> *Postdoc Researcher at IMDEA Networks Institute*
> IMDEA Networks | Avda. del Mar Mediterraneo, 22 28918  | Leganes (Madrid)|
> Spain
> *This message may contain confidential or privileged information. If you
> have received it in error, please do not use it, notify the sender and
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> <https://networks.imdea.org/es/aviso-legal-correo-electronico/>*
> On Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 11:38 AM NICOLAS KOURTELLIS <
> nicolas.kourtellis at telefonica.com> wrote:
>> Hi Domenico,
>> Thanks for the clarifications.
>> Can you also point out of this input is expected from RISC-6G or MAP-6G
>> or both?
>> In the previous email, Francisco mentioned some input expected from
>> MAP-6G,
>> but the below list you mentioned seems to be only from RISC-6G.
>> Thanks!
>> Nicolas
>> ---
>> Nicolas Kourtellis, Ph.D.
>> Principal Research Scientist,
>> Telefonica R&D, Barcelona, Spain
>> https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Q5oWwiQAAAAJ&hl
>> On Mar 13, 2023, at 7:29 PM, Domenico Giustiniano <
>> domenico.giustiniano at imdea.org> wrote:
>> Hi Hicham
>> thanks for pointing this out.
>> The deliverables listed in the kickoff meetings are the ones that us,
>> as coordinator, have to submit. For that, we will use inputs from the
>> reports from subcontractors that will be completed independently.
>> We need to do that, so that we have independent documentations.
>> In case of audit, this will allow us to show the work done by the
>> subcontractors.
>> For instance, for "RIS network integration in 6G networks",
>> we have:
>> - Initial specification of optimization algorithms for RIS control and
>> network operation and RIS O-RAN extensions (M15);
>> - Report on final optimization algorithms and specification of RIS O-RAN
>> extensions (M27);
>> - Report on the performance evaluation of the optimization algorithms in
>> a RIS testbed (M33).
>> This information is also what was in the tender that was signed by
>> each subcontractor.
>> As you may see, the first report is due in M15. We did it such that
>> we could have sufficient time to use inputs to write our next
>> deliverable, E2.
>> I hope this clarify and sorry if this was not clear at the kick-off
>> meeting. This process is quite peculiar.
>> Nevertheless, we will send ASAP a template with more clear instructions.
>> Of course, we have some flexibility in the time of reporting. Also, this
>> first report we request will be very lightweight, as we have just started.
>> Regards,
>> Domenico
>> On 2023-03-13 18:31, Hicham Chiker wrote:
>> Resending the mail without the pdf attached (too big).
>> Here is the link to the slide shared by Dr. Joerg Widmer .
>> 2023-02-13-WNG-RISC-6G.pdf [1]
>> Best regards,
>> Hicham Chiker
>> _   Project Manager  _
>> _   NEC Ibérica S.L_
>>   Mo:  +34 619 520 642
>>   E-mail: hicham.chiker at emea.nec.com <hicham.chiker at emea.nec.com>
>> From: Hicham Chiker
>> Sent: 13 March 2023 18:14
>> To: Francisco Javier Hervas <franciscojavier.hervas at imdea.org>;
>> Enable6g at imdea.org
>> Subject: RE: [Enable6g] Inputs for deliverable E2 - MAP-6G / RISC-6G
>> Hello Francisco,
>> Thank you for raising the point of the date of the first document
>> because it seems that there is a misunderstanding.
>> At the kickoff, the date that was presented (as you can see on the
>> slides) and on which we organized ourselves to deliver it was 30/04.
>> We checked internally and this is the date we all noted. Nobody in our
>> team remembers a date in March.
>> Maybe this is a misinterpretation or a change, but we are not
>> considering this date (31/03) and not organizing the work for that
>> date.
>> Can we reconsider an intermediate date?
>> Thank you and best regards,
>> Hicham Chiker
>> _   Project Manager  _
>> _   NEC Ibérica S.L_
>>   Mo:  +34 619 520 642
>>   E-mail: hicham.chiker at emea.nec.com
>> From: Enable6g <enable6g-bounces at imdea.org> On Behalf Of Francisco
>> Javier Hervas
>> Sent: 13 March 2023 09:30
>> To: Enable6g at imdea.org
>> Subject: [Enable6g] Inputs for deliverable E2 - MAP-6G / RISC-6G
>> Dear partners, This is a kind reminder. According to the plan agreed
>> in the Kick-off meeting, you have to send the inputs for the following
>> deliverables: · RISC-6G: E2. Initial report on RIS network
>> integration, joint communicating and sensing·
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>> Dear partners,
>> This is a kind reminder. According to the plan agreed in the Kick-off
>> meeting, you have to send the inputs for the following deliverables:
>> * RISC-6G: E2. Initial report on RIS network integration, joint
>> communicating and sensing
>> * MAP-6G: E2. Initial report on joint communication and localization
>> Deadline for receiving your contribution 31-March-2023.
>> Kind regards.
>> Francisco Javier Hervás Alonso
>> Project Administrator
>> Fundación IMDEA Networks
>> Av. Mar Meditarráneo, 22
>> 28918 Leganés
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>> --
>> Dr. Domenico Giustiniano
>> Research Associate Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, Spain
>> https://domenico.networks.imdea.org/; https://persys.networks.imdea.org
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